Thinking Nature Update and Issue 1 CFP


I am pleased to announce that Professor Timothy Morton will co-edit Thinking Nature. The fact that we have similar interests in nature and ecology but very different views should generate a divergent issue. Please submit to the CFP below.

Thinking Nature

Issue 1 Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit articles for Thinking Nature on the topic of Nature and Thought. More specifically we are interested in papers which address the degree to which philosophy, science, aesthetic, as well as other intellectual approaches adequately (or inadequately) grasp nature whether materially or conceptually. More generally, we hope that contributions will be broad yet specific enough to provide various directions for future issues.

Please send submissions by August 31st.

Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

For references please use footnotes and notĀ  end notes.

Please send submissions to