Archive for March, 2020

So last time I set up this progression: 1-Teleological (Kant, Blumenbach) 2-Functional (Cuvier, Bernard) 3-Organizational (Schelling, Herder) 4-Morphological (Goethe, Oken, St-Hilaire) The bio-political (in the negative sense) of these could be: 1-Anthropological Racism (Races or Cultures are seen as more or less advanced) 2-Physiologies of Health (Disciplined body as ‘healthy’ productive body) 3-National Organicism (Healthy society is harmonious […]

Given Agamben’s recent gaff and some of the responses to it, it seems important to ask what is the bio- in biopolitics (as I ended the last post)? The problem is not only that certain trends in contemporary biology have dominated the popular perception of it (internal and external to the discipline itself) but also […]

Flattened Herds


Flattening the curve and herd immunity are terms that are being thrown around quite a bit during the last few days. The former refers to getting the number of cases down so that they do not overwhelm the carrying capacity of a given countries’ health care system while the latter refers to the notion that […]

Reading through science studies, sts, history of science, and philosophy of science it is easy to lose all sense of what science is to the fields that attempt to study it. The multiplication of philosophy of fields of science (such as philosophy of chemistry or philosophy of biology) also begs the question of what is […]